BodyIntuitive Session

Your Body Has Answers

Your body is its own best healer. Allow the brilliant BodyIntuitive mind body road map to prioritize your healing strategy.

Healing Session

A structured series of exploration within the mind, body connection establishes your body’s priorities. Muscle testing allows the practitioner to connect a series of mind body connections, to get to the root of the symptom. Emotional resolution is key and we listen to your body, your story, one priority at a time. This brilliant modality is scientifically proven to bring healing to disease, cancer, auto-immune disease, and mental health.


$188.00  initial session
$133.00 per subsequent sessions $399.00 three session package

Face to Face and Remote Sessions are available


Reiki Session

Three is a magic number in Reiki.

Reiki is an ancient art. It derives from the laying on of hands in the bible. At first, Reiki works best in threes. It clears our energetic bodies. It charges our soul batteries. It provides balance and stability. It encourages meditative states, and summons spirit to guide us.  

Healing Session

A practitioner can guide you according to your spiritual guides, because, an experienced practitioner understands communication. I share my communication in writing. After your initial three sessions, Reiki sessions can be scheduled as individual appointments. The first three sessions must be within twenty-one days of each other.


$133.00  per session
$366.00 package of three

Face to Face and Remote Sessions are available


LOL Reiki Attunements


Level I

A Level One Attunement is an attunement that utilizes the vibrational alignment as recommended in the Usui System of Natural Healing, along with channeled messages I have received. The actual attunement adjusts your vibrational energetic body to align more with spirit. It enhances any of your own natural spiritual gifts. It aligns our thoughts and feelings to light avenues, that optimize our own natural healing path. This is similar to the expression, “I hire good people, and get out of their way.” I am tapping into source energy and higher wisdom to allow me to see, my reality as clear as a bright sunny day. Love, peace and clarity allow me to thrive, in a beautiful harmonic way within our environments, allowing us to achieve a life of our dreams. 

Level II

A Level Two Attunement is an attunement that utilizes the vibrational alignment as recommended in the Reiki Usui System of Natural Healing to align with Source energy at a higher level. It is amazing to learn how to play with energy and how effective it can be. It is amazing how it can be used in remote energetic sessions, and this experience translates into a more sophisticated understanding of the oneness, the collective, and the illusion of distance, time and space. As we grasp this concept, it increases our faith in what can and is possible. What can and does occur, to support us physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are spiritual beings, and this supports us living a spirit- led life, with peace and joy in our daily unfolding. 

Level III

A Level Three Attunement includes two attunements that utilize the vibrational alignment of the Reiki Usui System of Natural Healing. The Reiki Master level deals with ego and higher wisdom. It is critical to be a strong Reiki Master, that we balance our ego and our spirituality. It is reflected in our environments completely. The more aligned we are with our true self, the more we can achieve the limitless opportunities. As we align our hearts, our homes, our appearance, our relationships, our careers all fall into place, with peace, love and joy in our daily unfolding. Not only does this alignment fall into place, it feels like magic. It feels dynamic. It feels like the life we are meant to live. It allows us to surf the emotions of our hearts, with balance, poise, grace ease, and perfect amazing fun along the journey. The Master Teacher Level Attunement takes all of this to a higher level of mastery where you are ready, willing and able to teach and attune others in the Usui System of Natural Healing.

